browsROC is a waxing salon that specializes in eyebrow shaping and facial waxing. We use a combination of waxing, trimming and tweezing to find the best shape for each individual client, based on their face shape, preferences and our expert advice. We form deep connections with our clients in a fun, friendly and judgement free atmosphere and we offer a way for women and men to feel more confident and comfortable with their most visible feature.

I truly love working on people’s eyebrows. I’ve been at it since October of 2007. I’ve always said that you cannot underestimate the value of good brows. They can throw everything off or they can bring everything back into balance, symmetry and harmony. Every appointment is wonderfully unique because every person is unique. My approach is to both focus on the brows and to focus on getting to know the person in front of me. I respond to the needs of the moment. Some clients come in knowing what they want and some have no idea at all. I listen to my client, get their history, see where they are today, and together we decide on what direction we’re going to go in. Some people really just want a minimal clean up and some people really want them sculpted. I can do all of it! I’m so grateful to have a career that I love where others get to enjoy the work that I’m doing. I welcome the opportunity to meet you and to help you achieve your brow goals. To my existing clients, I can’t wait to see you again soon!

In 2005, when I started doing eyebrows professionally, you could say that I had a bit of a revelation. After spending my early-20s working a desk job, I’d finally found my calling. Instantly I realized that your work doesn’t have to be “just a job.” I love being able to connect with so many different types of people — and different types of eyebrows! Everything about my work appeals to me. It’s a little bit math-y mixed with a little bit arty and a lot of chatty, which is so me. I can’t imagine a better career and I am constantly amazed that I’ve been blessed with this opportunity. A little more about my life outside of browsROC: I’m unapologetically indoors-y, love reading, snack food and cats. To the clients that know me: I can’t wait to see you! To the clients that don’t: I can’t wait to meet you!

I have been doing brows full time since 2006 and there are SO many reasons I love my work. I get great satisfaction working with a client and helping them feel pretty. It might be a natural look or something super "done", it's always about what the client wants! The relationships we have with our clients go beyond the brows. We become connected and I love to go through life moments with them. For example: one of my clients has been with me since she was 14! She's been through grade school, college, jobs and now she's married and wanting to start a family. Her brows have looked fantastic through all of it! Being a brow specialist is creative, precise and social. I LOVE it!